Slow Magic - ▲
One of the most fun projects I look back on was running around in the woods creating a fake Icelandic nature documentary gone awry for the announcement of Slow Magic's first album.
In 2011 Slow Magic and Sneakyboy shared the converted industrial space that is now Sneakyboy HQ. It was here that I remember him recording his first album, occasionally kicking us out of the room for being too noisy. Still in obscurity at the time, there were rumors and chatter online speculating that the producer behind the anonymous masked musician was in fact an Icelandic girl group.
When it came time to announce his first album, we decided to stoke these fires by narrating the announcement in our best approximation of Icelandic. One youtube tutorial and a couple Björk and Sigur Ross songs later, we had pieced together a loose script.
The theme here was a found-footage 70s nature documentary in which a couple of bumbling naturalists in sweaters (us) search through the snowy wilds of Vatnajökull in search of the elusive creature Slow Magic. And of course, what's more authentic than yellow captions?
We had a real soft spot for lens-whacking back then. My favorite moment is the match cut from deer carcass to mask at :24